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The Advantages Of Asphalt Paving


The importance of maintaining a tidy and safe parking lot often goes unnoticed and often is assumed to be a given. Parking lots are a significant source of revenue for your business. If they are unsafe, customers may be turned away. When it comes time to pave your parking area, there are many different paving options to choose from. The most sought-after option is paving contractor.


Construction is straightforward

Asphalt is the most efficient paver material you can use. Asphalt is much faster than concrete as it takes a short time for it to set. Parking lots can be opened as soon as the work is finished. It is recommended to plan your paving work for off-peak hours nights, weekends or off-seasons paving project. This reduces the amount of time spent and also reduces the number of closures which in turn saves money and keeps drivers happy. Paving maintenance will be more streamlined than concrete and won't interfere with your business.




Another great benefit is the smoothness asphalt gives. Experts believe that smoother asphalt will result in lower usage of fuel. This makes it safer to drive on the road, as drivers do not have to be concerned about their car striking potholes and cracks which could result in injury. Improving pavement smoothness by 25% leads to nearly a 10% increase in pavement longevity.




One of the main benefits of asphalt is how safe it is. It is the smoothest option available, which reduces potholes as well as other road-related damage which could cause collisions or damage to vehicles. Since asphalt is generally black in color it offers a great contrast between the asphalt itself and road markers that are usually yellow or white. This provides drivers with a clearer view in adverse weather conditions like heavy snow and rain. The black color absorbs sun's rays, causing the heat to stay on the surface, melting snow and ice much quicker than other surfaces such as concrete. This makes it safer to drive on in winter. Asphalt reduces splashes and sprays that could be experienced during any type of rain. In addition to improved visibility and improved conditions during any type of weather, asphalt is the safest paving material on the market.





Asphalt is among the longest-lasting and durable pavement options available currently. When asphalt construction is properly designed, constructed, and maintained, the paving will last strong and functional for up to 20 years or longer. Without the need for frequent updates and repairs your company will reduce costs by thousands every year.


Paving Maintenance Plan


Because of the fact that many people wait until their lot has completely failed and a reconstruction of the parking area is the only option. Although reconstruction is the most costly option, a good paving consultant maintenance plan will save you more than 25 percent over a 25-year span.


Our Paving Maintenance Program includes:


Detailed inventory of your current assets


A budget tailored to your requirements both short-term and long-term


A comprehensive proposal that includes a negotiated scope of work and pricing


Control over your construction project by providing daily reports , including progress and details with pictures and punch list


The option to purchase a one-year warranty


Creation date: Apr 10, 2022 9:19pm     Last modified date: Apr 10, 2022 9:19pm   Last visit date: Mar 12, 2025 8:11pm
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