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Horse Massage-Gun - The Benefits Of Using A Massage Gun On A Steed
massage tool for horses

Equine massage gun therapy is an effective treatment for the muscles of your horse. Something magical happens as your horse calms, trusts, and releases tension, the equine massage is an effective method of increasing trust and relieving anxiety that many horses may experience. The therapeutic massage of horses can benefit all horses from pleasure horses to high-powered competition horses. It can help calm horses' nerves and aid in their adjustment to new surroundings, especially if they are constantly involved in stressful circumstances.


Modern horsemanship has proven that equine massage therapy is extremely efficient in enhancing horse performance. From physical strains to mental issues, equine massage therapy using our massage tool for horses provides high benefits to the well-being of your horse.



What is percussion massage therapy?

Massage therapy for horses that is percussion-based reduces muscle soreness and increases blood flow to vital muscle tissues. This effect reduces inflammation and decreases tension in muscles. To improve the performance of your horse, its endurance and flexibility, as well as overall health, you can make use of the percussion therapy. Research has shown that class 3b laser for sale can be utilized to prevent delayed-onset soreness in the muscles. That means the horse is less likely to feel muscle pain following intense exercise that increases the endurance of the horse and its ability to perform on consecutive days.


There are many reasons to employ cold laser therapy on horses.


Wound recovery


Laser therapy is extremely beneficial in treating wounds. Laser therapy increases the rate of coagulation and consequently assists in speedier wound healing. It can also reduce scar tissue that follows. The risk of developing infection is reduced the quicker an injury can be healed. Actually, wounds were one of the earliest indications for laser therapy, which was discovered by coincidence during tests on animals.




Thrush is an infection that affects the hoofs of horses found in the vicinity of the frog. It occurs when the horse is standing in very humid conditions, such as their stable or paddock. It is preventable by regularly keeping the hoofs clean and dry. If the horse continues to develop thrush, it can be stopped in the early stages by laser treatment. There are instances of thrush that have subsided in only a few days.


Choosing a laser


What kind of laser do you need for treating equine? People often believe they need a wide-range laser to treat their horses with laser therapy. However, this isn't the case. You need a laser that is powerful enough to treat the muscle structure of your horse, as well as one that can also be turned off for the treatment of injuries and superficial tendons that are causing inflammation.


Laser Therapy is used regularly to prevent disease and is used when combined with massage and chiropractic treatments to help keep top-performance horses in top condition. Although acute conditions can usually be treated with just a couple of treatments, it's unusual for chronic illnesses to require several treatments over a number of weeks. Most treatments take from 15-30 minutes and are painless for the patient. Based on the condition of the horse there are horses that may be relieved immediately.


Creation date: Jul 30, 2021 7:37am     Last modified date: Jul 30, 2021 7:37am   Last visit date: Sep 23, 2024 3:39am
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