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How to Use Free Samples to Market Your Products
product samples


The deliberate utilization of free product samples is one of the best ways for your products to be promoted. It is a great way to demonstrate your product's high quality and establish trust by offering away free samples. It is also possible to invoke the reciprocity of free samples. If someone receives something for free it is more likely that they feel like they should try to make it up to you in some way - for instance, by buying your products.


Free samples are not something to do in a rush. If you simply give away a bunch of free samples to anyone and everyone, it could end up costing you lots of money and never turning into a return on your investment.


How can you make use of free samples to advertise your products? Here are some suggestions.


Think about giving away something that is part of their everyday life


If you're able to offer items that become an integral part of their everyday life, you'll be able to utilize these free samples to keep your company prominently in the minds of your clients for weeks and months at the same time.


For instance, an unpaid coffee maker branded with your company's logo. They will make daily cups of coffee if they are someone who drinks coffee. They'll remember your name and brand every time they see it.


Are You Giving to the Right People?

It is crucial to choose the right people when you give away samples. Why? Because samples cost money. If you offer free product samples to those you trust this money could earn an incredible ROI. However, if you distribute it to anyone and everyone, you could end up having to pay back your investment.


Begin by offering samples of future products to people who've purchased your earlier products. Then, you can give away your products to those who have shown an interest in your product. This could be those on your email list or even at an event. Then, give samples to prospective buyers in your demographic - But only if they've not expressed desire to purchase from your company.


Give Away Something of High Perceived Worth


Perceived value refers to the amount of money the recipient believes a present is worth. It doesn't need to be related to the real value of a present.



The giving away of colored contact lenses at fashion shows is one instance. People usually associate contact lenses with visiting optometrists, which is a significant expense. Giving away colored contacts therefore creates a negative impression and leads people to think you're giving them something expensive. The colored lenses may only be only a couple of dollars.


As a surprise gift, use freebies


Another great way to use freebies is to use them as surprise gifts. This is an especially efficient method to strengthen relationships.


Let's say, for instance, you own a subscription company. You notice that customers cancel within three months. You can try giving all new customers an unrestricted gift 2.5 months into their subscription. The surprise gift can prolong the average length of your subscriber by 2 months, which could significantly boost the value of your business.


Make use of it to stand out at events


Free samples are a great way to stand out at events. Free samples can be used for seminars or trade shows, for example.


It is crucial to publish something that catches the attention of people. It should be something that draws people to talk about it. Don't just give away a pen or coffee mug - You should give away something that really "wow"s people. Your gift should be a talking topic at any event.


Use it to Eliminate Doubt


Sometimes, a sample is used for the sole purpose of eliminating doubt. For instance, you may sell a skin product which claims to make skin firmer and healthier. To prove your claims, they can request the free sample.


Use it for Lead Generation


Free samples are another choice to generate leads. You can give away the free product samples however, make sure that they provide you with their email address and telephone number. This lets you contact them to follow up and conclude the sale in the future.


Free samples of marketing is a great instrument. Be sure to utilize it correctly to ensure you receive a high return on your investment.


Creation date: Feb 2, 2022 8:10pm     Last modified date: Feb 2, 2022 8:10pm   Last visit date: Mar 12, 2025 8:11pm
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