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My Baby Shower

My Baby Shower

 My Wonderful Hosts!
 Finally getting to see everything!
I was so impressed.
 Mine and Epes's timeline
 Me, Nanie Rie and Mr. Memphis 
 My Long distance traveling Aunts... thankyou.
 Virgin Cocktails!
 Jacks and Laura
 You'd never guess that there was two babies in that picture.
Lauren and Noel 
 Vanessa and Lori
 Cheryl Roper
 Neighbor Jen
 Before the guests arrive
 Mountain of presents 
 Thank you Rhonda for the beautiful fruit and veggie trays 
The prettiest cake I've ever seen 
 An everyday necessity for little Epsie
 Happy baby and mommy 
 Hard mommy questions 
 Finding out i was quite an ugly looking newborn
 Poopy diaper game
 Spices instead of chocolates made it very hard
 All the girls got into it
 Game time?
Barbara Bell and Mom 
Epsie's own blankie 
 Big sisters new Mommy advice
 Memphis... still ... just cruising 
 Little Maddy's curls
 It was a long present marathon 
 Time to eat some toes
 Pretty array... 
 Stephanie Stevenson
 Thankyou.. all of my lifelong friends for making it back to Galt and making that day special 
 And thanks Mom, Christina and Monica for a Beautiful Baby Shower!!!! LOVE you!
I hope everyone got a cookie! 

Creation date: Sep 26, 2008 12:01pm     Last modified date: Sep 26, 2008 1:46pm   Last visit date: Sep 22, 2024 5:59am
8 / 1000 comments
Sep 26, 2008  ( 5 comments )  
Sep 28, 2008  ( 1 comment )  
Sep 29, 2008  ( 1 comment )  
Katharine Carr (katharine)
yeah those cookies were really good. I am very glad we could make the trip up there!
Jan 9, 2009  ( 1 comment )  
Jacqueline Ortega (jackieortega)
I love those pics, but I really wish I could have changed Epsie's blankie to "Epes W. Sargeant IX" not the "XX!" Sorry! :(
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