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Team Grand Canyon

Team Grand Canyon
The most random trip ever!  The most intense 35 hours - a trip to the Grand Canyon!! Not really planned.  We left at 11pm friday night, after an intense week, and only a couple hours of sleep the night before, squeezed the five of us in a car, hit the road, drove through the night, with adventures along the way, and arrived at the Grand Canyon around 6:30am - for the most breathtaking view!!  Then we hit the trail (Angel's trail to Plateu Point) with absolutely no sleep, but with alot of water, and some smashed sandwiches from the caf the day before.  The hike was incredible!  We learned so much about the Lord, so many metaphors and analogies, we stopped and read Scripture, sang praises, and thanked the Lord for so much.  Then we camped out and had smores, slept for a couple hours, and woke up at 3:30am, to get back on Sunday, for a bridal shower.  So, intense.  I learned so much from the Lord through His creation and the people I was with.  An experience of a lifetime!!

We had just made it to Plateu Point.  A six mile hike down, this was the resting point, then a six mile hike back up (all uphill)!

Roomates at one of the seven natural wonders of the world!!

This was the point we hiked out to!

The boys out on the rock, we had the best seat in the house, we climed out to that rock, to have our lunch and devo time!

All finished!  12 miles and eight hours later!! Completely exhausted, but we are so excited! 
croper   -   2:38pm - Monday - April 25, 2005     delete
wow, six miles uphill!  I'm blown glad you were finally able to make the trip.
anonymous   -   1:39pm - Sunday - April 24, 2005     delete
This is a great experience to have while you are young and single!! Good for you!!
Aunt Julie
kathy   -   3:58pm - Saturday - April 23, 2005     delete
Wow!  I'm sure glad you took they guys since you went on no sleep!  What a fantastic testimony to Noah's flood!
Love, Mamacita

Creation date: May 17, 2005 2:54am     Last modified date: May 31, 2005 12:52pm   Last visit date: Oct 2, 2024 9:01pm
2 / 1000 comments
May 23, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
karen alviso (karen)
I love these pictures. I am so glad you have the life experiences that you have and with good company!!!
May 24, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Stacie Mazzucosm (mazzucosm)
monica that is awesome!! what a trip of a life time amazing!! i am so thanful for those times. that is the rich fellowship that i miss yes so rich. i love you girl never forget the rich times love you!! FFL
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