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College Graduation!!

College Graduation!!

It was blistering hot, for it was outside at 10am, yet it was joyous!

My dearest Mandi and I

Patrick and Tommy  - the last days wouldn't have been so sweet without them and Danny

"Pointin' to heaven, cuz that's where were headin' "
Thanks boys for all that you taught us!


CORE FOUR - I love you girls forevermore. 
Thank you for your faithful friendship the last for,
looking forward to many more


3SB - My sweet girls - Thanks for the holidays!
Mandi - Monica - Mazzuc
Words cannot express - My early morning risers - Thursdays will always be my favorite days!  Thank you for the many sleepovers, the laughter, the tears, the Word, the encouragement, thank you for it all - Thank you for being my FFL's!!

One of the hardest moments of my life. 
The tragic goodbye.


Creation date: May 24, 2005 12:52am     Last modified date: May 24, 2005 1:03am   Last visit date: Sep 2, 2024 3:46am
6 / 1000 comments
May 24, 2005  ( 4 comments )  
Mandi Morrow (mandi9)
wow that is the saddest picture ever!!!
Kathy Carr (kathy)
Great pictures Monica; such bittersweet times!! As Dickens said, "it was the best of times and the worst of times!"  But what great life-long friends to have!!
Richard Carr (richard)
I love looking at your pictures and comments.  It makes it seem like you're close by instead of thousands of miles away.
Love, Dad
Stacie Mazzucosm (mazzucosm)
ok, ok, ok i am so speach less!! wow monica to see your face is like seeing the light of the world, wow i miss you so much my eyes are a little wet right now and to see you and mandi on that one pix hello capture the moment!! monica i love seeing pix it is so awesome i am so thankful for them!! wow monica i love you!!
May 25, 2005  ( 2 comments )  
Christina Roper (croper)
Awesome pic of you and Mandi - I love all the sepia pictures.  Got me a little teary-eyed too with that last one.  No family pics?!  :)
karen alviso (karen)
Monica- you are so beautiful and precious all wrapped in one specail package.  I am so awstruck by  the photos and the precious memories you will always have.  Good Job, Graduate!!!!!!! Love, Karen A.
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