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Why the Church has to reconstruct honest trade
Why economic communities have to reconstruct honest trade:
1. There is no "third" way. If we do not have honest trade, it will be dishonest.
2. It will never be easier, or a better time, to exert ourselves to mount reforms. In the near term, we will never have more surplus time and wealth, or more freedom to speak and act than we have now. As the crisis nears, the men at the top will be come ever more desperate to control those who wish to "shrug" or escape the plunder.
3. If we do not roll back the moral and financial crisis, there is no other way to prevent or forestall loss of life, liberty, and family stewardship of property.
4. The fundamental lie is that the fiat-money central banking systems of all nations now owe, and are owed - something instead of nothing. When you think you have US Dollars, you have nothing. You might think banks say that they owe you quantities, but if they will not or cannot say WHAT they owe -- there is no more substance in their "say", or their "promise" than there is to the non-existent US Dollar. All the currencies of all the other nations are in the same situation.
5. If a nation's people could unite to repair every other tyranical evil in the body politic which is causing loss of freedom and prosperity, but refused to give up the illusion that sinful, finite, mortal men could create money out of nothing by their word -- as if they were God -- by that control of money, they would still recover their dominance of the nations to their own profit and pleasure by means of murder, coercion, and theft.
Why The Church is essential to reconstruct honest trade:
6. Most underestimate how thoroughly the Controllers control the institutions. There is no power on earth greater than their current power, except the Holy Spirit working through Saints to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and extend His victorious and gracious rule over all nations. Only the Church can speak and act with sufficient authority, bravery, and efficacy (Did I mention "power"?).
7. Not even the Powers That (shouldn't) Be totally control events. They cannot stop the IF/THEN of God, the consequences of violating moral and economic laws.
8. Only a Covenantal, self-maledictory Oath is strong enough to motivate men to be moral and to make the sacrifices necessary to turn things around. This is the essential means men have to illustrate the goodness, faithfulness, strength, and justice of God. Not even Satan's secret societies can sustain power and influence without self-maledictory, covenantal oaths. The Church must re-teach this oath concept and come alongside businesses to train them in this as a foundation for the coming honest-measure trading that we must reconstruct.
9. Most of what you hear about educating yourself and preparing yourself uses self-interest as motivation. Survive, or even profit from the coming economic collapse! The problem being, if you have food, water, shelter, real wealth and nobody else does -- life may not be worth much, and the mobs may steamroll you to get what they desperately need to live. Answers need to be answers for everyone. Personal profit is not a strong-enough motivation for the Reformers to risk loss of property, freedom, and life. Some of them have to die to plant the seeds of Faithful Church growth in wisdom and number, and to persuade men of the truth about money and ethical authority to define crime and punishment.
10. Remember the failures: Liberty Dollar, e-Gold, GoldMoney, these guys....
GoldMoney has supposedly resurrected, but only after complying with all the FinCEN rules regarding taxation and remaining transparent to the NSA & IRS.
It is hard not to imagine LibertyDollar not being a false-flag attempt to draw off and neutralize Christian-, Constitutional-, and Conservative efforts to reform money. To report Bernard Von Nothaus as going off and starting a 'church' based on Marijuana, and continuing to ask for financial support after government agents had stolen all his and his customers gold and silver, with no intent on paying any of it back...then reducing his 'sentence' for trying to "destroy the American Economy" and being a "domestic terrorists" from 15 years in jail down to six month's house-arrest before the whole story went blackout -- all seems like a slap in the face to Thinking Adults.
The fact that these have all failed without a Biblical base, founded on Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit's work through His saints demonstrates the futility of expecting more power and goodness from created-Man, than we should attribute ultimate power and goodness to Man-the-Creator in the Person of Jesus Christ, God the Son.
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