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Having rejected the official ‘Project Fear’ narrative, I have spent the past 18 months reading and researching in great depth, to work out a ‘self-defence’ strategy to defend against what may be a ‘coronavirus’ attack on the global population.

To promote rushed ‘vaccines’, all possible natural and traditional remedies are being hysterically condemned as ‘dangerous heresy’ and even ‘hate crime’. So I guess that, if these notes are to be shared with anyone else, even informally, I should add the caveat that I am NOT medically ‘qualified’ and nothing here is intended to offer any medical advice! 

But, hopefully, the information and research links may provide some food for thought….readers should decide for themselves

One noticeable trend is that Google and all the other mainstream search engines are now littered with mysterious ‘fact-checkers’ condemning anything other than the ‘Big Pharma vax’ narrative, and even highly-qualified experts are promptly trashed as ‘quacks’ and ‘fakes’ if they dare to present any doubts or alternative viewpoint. Whenever I see a frenzy of Bill Gates funded fact-checkers attacking a possible natural treatment, I now automatically take the contrary view, and treat this as something worth investigating further, so it has the opposite effect with me! 

So much of the mainstream internet is now being heavily censored, and access to alternative views and reports is increasingly difficult. I have often had to use independent (uncensored) search engines.


In my travels, I came across an article written by Mike Adams (Natural News) some years ago, when the dire threats were ‘Bird Flu’ ‘Swine Flu’ and the original ‘Sars-cov’– and it was interesting to read his predictions, in the light of what has now come to pass:

(quote) “Hopefully what you've noticed in all this is a very important pattern: If you stay informed, you will stay alive! The No. 1 killer of people in the next great pandemic will be, without question, ignorance of natural medicine. Those who don't know about these natural antivirals will literally die of ignorance, while those who understand the incredible healing power of Mother Nature's medicine are far more likely to survive. So instead of being a victim to the military medical establishment (because the military will be involved in the distribution of vaccines, trust me...), you can instead remain independent and self-reliant.

It is this self-reliance that scares the power mongers who run our world. The last thing they want is citizens taking charge of their own health and refusing to function as slaves to Big Pharma.

Stay informed and you'll stay alive during the next pandemic.”

- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, editor of


As a general introduction, I found this site helpful:

(quote) “It is a created virus (patented virus) so it was made to infect your respiratory system and wipe out your immune system so it can’t fight back. It’s method of infection is believed to spread like previous coronaviruses: through airborne particles expelled when an infected person coughs, sneezes or even talks loudly. Prevention is the best medicine and having a powerful natural immune system will protect you better than anything else. There are a few  natural herbs, minerals and supplements that can boost your immune system so it is strong enough to withstand any viral (coronavirus) or bacterial attack.

Unfortunately for us in this “modern” and “industrialized” world, our local environment and health system (sickness system) is full of things that will give you a highly Compromised Immune System.

Lab created viruses and new bacterial strains are showing up almost every day. There is always some type of flu that we are being advised to get a vaccine against (bird flu, swine flu, Ebola, H1N1, HIV, Norovirus, Measles, Mumps, etc) or some other Super Bug. This is clearly a case of “the cure is worse than the cause,” as people who get these vaccines and take pharmaceuticals that “prevent viral spread” actually are far sicker than those who use build their immune systems naturally and safely. They even get the same things that they were inoculated against! Not a good track record. Then they will tell you that you should keep away from those that are not vaccinated!”


So why, I wonder, do some people ‘catch’ infections, while others don’t fall victim?

Hippocrates  (460 – 370 BC) hit the nail on the head when he said:

(quote) “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.”

Similarly,  Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908) concluded that: “Germs seek their natural habitat

His ‘terrain theory’ makes a lot of sense in the context of the current Covid viral infection, given that the vast majority of victims appear to have multiple pre-existing health problems.

Béchamp argued that our individual bodies will either provide the conditions to invite bacteria & viruses to grow and proliferate, thus causing the symptoms of all diseases, or will provide the conditions to prevent them. As he summed up: “The primary cause of disease is within us, always in us.”


All pathogens will thrive in an acidic body (metabolic acidosis) – but they don’t like an alkaline terrain!

To quote again from

“Pathogens like viruses and bacteria can’t survive very long in an alkaline body, so it is very important to keep your body in an alkaline state. Make your body coronavirus resistant by being an inhospitable host to them.”

Our body pH is the key indicator of balance within the body’s internal fluids. Dr. Otto Warburg, who was awarded a Nobel Prize for his work on respiratory enzymes and cancer, declared in 1931:

 "No disease can exist in an alkaline environment. An alkaline body can absorb up to 20 times more oxygen than an acidic body.” 

He argued that diseased bodies are acidic bodies which repel oxygen and attract the overgrowth of disease-causing micro-organisms. 

Such ideas would be dismissed as ‘myths’ these days, but Dr. Warburg’s ideas were strongly supported in 1991 by Dr Baroody Theodore  (USA) in his starkly titled book ‘Alkalize or Die’. His research and clinical findings indicated that illness and disease are directly linked to over-acidity in the body.


Metabolic acidosis = a serious electrolyte disorder characterized by an imbalance in the body's acid-base balance  (quote) “Over the years, I’ve noticed again and again that emotional distress worsens metabolic acidosis. We know that emotionally charged thoughts such as worry or fear cause production of stress hormones, the best known of which is cortisol. Cortisol impacts the body in many ways, promoting a loss of minerals from the body and increasing the acid load” Dr. Susan E. Brown


This concept of acid-alkaline imbalance as being the root cause of disease was also supported in 1933 by a New York doctor named William Howard Hay in his ground-breaking book, ‘A New Health Era’

(quote) ”It may seem strange to say that all disease is the same thing, no matter what its myriad modes of expression, but it is verily so” (William Howard Hay, M.D.)


I have therefore concluded that my starting point in self defence is to make sure my ‘terrain’ is as uninviting as possible to pathogens, beginning with maintaining a slightly alkaline pH

Simple steps (quoted from

 “Start the day with a large glass of water with the juice of a freshly-squeezed lemon. Lemons actually have the opposite effect on your body even they may seem acidic. Drink first thing in the morning to flush the system. Another option is to drink organic apple cider vinegar in water daily. You should only mix one to two tablespoons of vinegar in eight ounces of water.”

The humble traditional antacid, bicarbonate of soda, is another defensive weapon – I remember that my wise old Grandmother, who lived in good health well into her nineties, regarded her ‘bicarb’ as a panacea. She was right! A recent research article from Al Ghurair University (Dubai) makes the astonishing (but credible) claim: “Sodium bicarbonate defeats coronavirus”  see:

(quote) “We introduce a versatile ingredient that is available on our kitchen shelves. It is called sodium bicarbonate and commonly known as baking soda. We found out that this substance can balance the pH level in the human body and consequently is capable of defeating COVID-19. We learn from scientists that the sodium bicarbonate administration increases the pH level and consequently alters the body acidosis condition to equilibrium. Thus, enclosing the virus in an environment where it cannot survive. Sodium bicarbonate should be taken 1-2 hours before or after a meal so as not to interfere with the hydrochloric acid needed for digestion. Sodium bicarbonate will temporarily neutralize hydrochloric acid. So, if you are taking it for general maintenance take it early AM or before bedtime. This should not affect the mealtime production of hydrochloric acid.”


During the Spanish Flu outbreak, Dr. Volney S. Cheney reported clinical success with baking soda (bicarb): (quote) “In 1918 and 1919, while fighting the flu with the U.S. Public Health Service, it was brought to my attention that rarely anyone who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda contracted this disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks.”

He stated that he also believed that taking just a bit of baking soda daily would be the perfect preventative against contracting cold and flu (coronaviruses)

(source: )


How to Fight Colds and the Flu with Baking Soda      (quote)

“…baking soda also has medicinal purposes that go way beyond stopping indigestion. It’s on the same level as hydrogen peroxide as one of the safest, yet most inexpensive, home health tools you can use.”

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….    (quote)

“SODIUM BICARBONATE (baking soda) is a natural occurring mineral that can provide some pretty miraculous health benefits.  In order to understand the effects of baking soda, one must first become aware of the consequences of too much acid in the body. An acidic pH causes the spleen, liver, heart and kidneys to get overworked. In order to buffer this acidity, the body has to rob existing minerals from the bones and tissue such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. This can lead to chronic conditions such as osteoporosis, loss of muscle mass, kidney stones, and impaired muscle functioning as well as an acidic environment in which heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis and other diseases can thrive. Baking soda has also been shown to ease the effects of radiation exposure and chemotherapy by protecting the kidneys, heart, nervous system and other tissues. It also diminishes the effects of heavy metals and other toxic chemicals.”


ALGAE - spirulina and Chlorella also deserve a special mention here:   (quote)

Because they grow in extremely alkaline waters, they are considered highly alkalizing foods. They also contain a lot of chlorophyll, which is not only regarded as highly alkaline, but as being extremely beneficial to building new blood cells as well. Both of those plants can help your body neutralize acidic foods you eat and raise your pH levels more toward the alkaline side of the scale.



(quote) “Chlorella strengthens your immune system, boosts white blood cell and natural killer cell production, helping your body to fight off viruses.

Spirulina helps to penetrate and break down shells of viruses, including coronaviruses.”

(source: )



The COVID-19 is a virus that contains a single strand of RNA surrounded by a round shell and “tentacles” (A.K.A.) spikes) that protrude from the shell. In order for it to replicate itself, it needs a “host”

To enter, it must  lock on to the “ACE2 receptor cells” on the outside of your cell walls, if successful, it transmits its viral RNA into your cell and uses your cell’s DNA to replicate itself. Once your cell is filled with replicated virus it will burst open. This cycle repeats itself and allows the virus to spread quickly.

Stopping or slowing the growth of the virus depends on a lot of things but primarily on how strong your immune system is.

A strong immune system can identify and disarm / stop the virus BEFORE it has the chance to enter your cells.

A weakened immune system may not be able to do this, but it may still be able to identify and stop the virus AFTER it has invaded your cells. The way it does this is with special immune cells that include Killer cells, T- cells, B-cells, macrophages, white blood cells etc.

A severely weakened immune system may not be able to do either of these things, so the virus will spread rapidly and unabated, causing so much damage that even medical intervention may not be enough to protect you from eventual organ failure.

That’s why we need a strong immune system.



(quote) “Your lungs become infected and inflamed so they cannot get enough oxygen or remove carbon dioxide. They eventually become so damaged they fail.

 The virus appears to kick out the iron atom in your hemoglobin and replace it with itself. This can lead to three extremely dangerous and deadly results:

(1)The iron atom in your hemoglobin carries oxygen in your blood. When this iron atom is removed (and replaced by the virus), your hemoglobin can’t carry oxygen any longer and this can lead to organ failure.  Many COVID-19 patients die from cardiac arrest because their heart was deprived of oxygen.

(2) When the virus invades the blood, it changes the pH of the blood so it is more acidic. This causes the hemoglobin to clump and makes it even more difficult to carry oxygen to the organs, contributing to cardiac arrest.

(3) “When the virus forces the iron atom out of the hemoglobin, the iron atom doesn’t disappear. It remains in the blood stream but since it is no longer safely INSIDE the hemoglobin, but is OUTSIDE, in your blood plasma, it becomes a dangerous, caustic, acidic molecule that damages everything it comes into contact with – most notably your lungs. This free iron appears to one of the main causes of lung damage.”


Scientific studies have shown that nutrients in spirulina algae can help protect you.

Nutrients Necessary for a Strong Immune System   (all are found in spirulina / algae tablets)

Vitamin A increases T cells and B cells, reduces respiratory infection

Vitamin B6, B9, B12 boosts immune response and builds antibodies

Vitamin D boosts immune system, builds antibodies

Vitamin E boosts immune system and builds antibodies

Iron boosts immune system

Zinc  boosts immune system, builds antibodies

Copper boosts immune system, builds antibodies

Essential Fatty Acids – reduces inflammation, boost T cells, support immune function

Amino Acids activates T cells, cytokines, B cells, natural killer cells and macrophages

Chlorophyll builds white blood cells and red blood cells, reduces oxidative stress, reduces inflammation, kills bacteria, absorbs carcinogens, prevents anemia, builds the immune system.

(quote) “Chlorophyll is quite possibly the most important nutrient found in algae and proven to build the immune system.  Chlorophyll is so important to your health and immune system that during WWII if there wasn’t enough blood for blood transfusions the injured were given liquid chlorophyll instead and it helped them recover just as fast. The reason is simple. The chemical composition of chlorophyll is virtually identical to hemoglobin.”


The beneficial effects of spirulina focusing on immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties



‘PROJECT FEAR – Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid, Of This Evil Virus!’

We have been subjected to an intensive campaign to scare the population into begging to be jabbed, as being their one and only means of salvation!.

The impression has been given that Covid, being constantly portrayed on our television screens as that computer-generated spiky ball, like some alien creature, is actually alive, with a malignant intelligence to determine who and when to attack, like a pantomime villain…it’s behind you!’ No wonder some masked passers-by in the street are looking absolutely petrified to be out!

The ‘wash your hands’ routine is scientifically valid, as ordinary soap will dissolve the viral ‘envelope’ – the protective lipid coat – but I feel this has been overplayed to a ridiculous extent. Soap would become important if we have an open cut anywhere on the skin, as that could give direct access into the blood stream, but, otherwise, the skin itself is protective, and works to neutralise aggressors such as bacteria, viruses and pollution and prevent them from entering the body. (innate antiviral immunity in the skin   (see:  )

As an airborne respiratory virus, Covid will primarily spread via infected out-breath, in streams of nano particles which are incredibly light and small, measuring about 0.1 micrometer which is one-thousandth of a millimeter, and capable of floating way beyond the ’2 metres’ social distance. These ultra-light particles can also linger in the air for up to three hours.

As a result of how the vaccines are (some say) setting up active ‘spike protein factories’ in the vaxxed population, it appears that we may all be vulnerable to inhaling some of these vax-generated spiky particles, floating freely and hanging about in the air?

The ‘sheep’ have been consoling themselves with their masks (A.K.A. face nappies), under the false impression that this will prevent passage of nano-particles through the fabric. But if we can still breathe our vital air supply in, then our in-breath can easily suck in (through the mask) whatever nano-particles happen to be floating in the air around us at that time.

These viral particles are not, of course, ‘alive’, and have no means of movement themselves, so they rely on being sucked into the body through nose or mouth, or transferred via fingers touching mouth or nose. Part of the ‘Project Fear’ has been to fill the gullible ‘smart’ folk with a sense of extreme terror that every surface, every hand, every person they encounter is infected with ‘Covid’. What this propaganda ignores is the fact that viruses are nothing new, they are part of normal living, and always will be:

(quote) “You can't see them or feel them, but millions of airborne viruses are wafting around you each day, and billions more microbial travellers are descending everywhere on Earth, after riding air currents around the world.”

Our innate immune system is geared up to be on guard 24/7, to protect us from invasion, and, like any army, these ‘fighters’ need to be continually challenged and exercised, to keep ‘battle ready’– so ‘lockdown’, isolation, and masks will actually weaken the immune system’s natural ability to fight off future attacks of both viral and bacterial pathogens.

(quote) “when the body's mucous membranes are disrupted, as they are when viruses and bacteria attempt to establish an infection, the immune system recognises the virus and produces a substance that neutralises the uninvited guest. The process goes on continuously without us being aware of it.”


Logically, the major entry points will be the nose and the mouth, possibly, but less likely, eyes (via tear ducts) or even ears, all of which connect in some way into the upper respiratory tract and the complex sinus network of passages, but the nasal passage will be the most likely entry point, except for those who are in the habit of breathing through the mouth.

Since the inside of the nostrils might be an initial ‘landing site’ for these airborne invaders, I have taken the simple precaution of sinus washing and rinsing.  (quote) It’s a simple, low tech way to wash out the viruses, bacteria, mold, allergens, dust, mucus and general crud that lands inside the nose and sinus passages, thereby contributing to colds, chronic nasal congestion, post nasal drip, frequent sinus infections, asthma and other respiratory ills”. (source). 

A little salt water or colloidal silver can be sprayed or simply sniffed from clean cupped hand, one nostril at a time.



One of the long-known natural antivirus agents is colloidal silver, a traditional remedy whose antiseptic properties were used in ancient Egypt, the Middle East and India by royal households to keep water and other fluids fresh and to treat various infections. Silver was recognized and used as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial by clinicians to treat bacterial, parasitical, fungal and viral infections.

But it was outlawed from the 1930s, thanks to Big Pharma’s pressure to remove it from the market, because silver, being natural, could never be patented.


“Potent antiviral effect of silver nanoparticles on SARS-CoV-2”    (Sept. 2020, research from Japan)

(quote) “The elemental metal, Silver (Ag) has broad spectrum antimicrobial action against various bacteria, fungi and viruses. Due to their versatility, Ag nanoparticles (AgNP) have currently found their way as a microbicide for biological surfaces in various forms such as wound dressings Several studies have demonstrated the potent antiviral action of AgNPs against various human pathogenic viruses such as Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Influenza virus, Norovirus, Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In addition to these viruses, since Ag has been demonstrated to kill SARS-CoV, we hypothesized the strong possibility of AgNPs to inhibit SARS-CoV-2

Silver inhibits extracellular viruses by preventing viral entry.”

“Colloidal silver has also been found to kill and eradicate the smallpox virus, the influenza virus and HIV and to prevent HIV from attaching to host cells. It is known to prevent infections and viruses such as hepatitis B. It is also used to treat and prevent flu and the common cold.”



(quote) “In the absence of medical solutions for corona-virus, colloidal silver can be the best solution . Because colloidal silver is a broad-spectrum antivirus, that also strengthens the immune system, it can potentially prevent or help to treat corona-virus infection. Silver Solution has been tested on some of the strains of corona-virus and found to effectively deactivate them and to boost the immune system

DNA binding. Colloidal silver goes straight to the DNA of the virus (and other pathogens) and binds with the DNA. In the process it destroys the hydrogen that holds the cell together, destroys the cell and kills the virus.

Pathogen cell membranes. Colloidal silver also attaches to the virus’ cell membrane and foils its attempt to attach itself to the host cells.”


Colloidal Silver For Eyes And Ears

Pure Ionic Colloidal Silver is an excellent choice when experiencing eye and ear ailments.”


I am using colloidal silver as a gargle, mouth and throat spray, and as a nasal spray / sniff, to protect the sinuses and respiratory tract.  Also, where use of mask is necessary at the moment, to avoid arguments, I make sure that the fabric of the mask is regularly impregnated, as a precaution against contamination with bacteria.  (source)

(quote) “Excellent Real-Time Antimicrobial Effects against Pathogens can be achieved when the fabric of a face mask is embedded with silver nanoparticles”


How Does Nano-Silver kill viruses?

(quote) “The molecular structure is AG4O4 which is a permanently bonded structure with a resonant frequency similar to ultraviolet light. This allows it to steal electrons from viruses and bacteria as it goes through your system. This leaves the virus dead and then your body flushes the virus and silver out.


How silver ions kill bacteria

(quote) “The antimicrobial properties of silver have been known for centuries. While it is still a mystery as to exactly how silver kills bacteria, University of Arkansas researchers have taken a step toward better understanding the process by looking at dynamics of proteins in live bacteria at the molecular level.”

"What we want to do eventually is to use the new knowledge generated from this project to make better antibiotics based on silver nanoparticles"



Possible beneficial role of throat gargling in the coronavirus disease pandemic

“Gargling lowers the viral load, leaving your body with fewer invaders to replicate.”

(Research published by a Taiwan University team)

(quote) “German researchers found that infected patients could be identified through throat swab tests on the first day of the symptom onset, with symptoms often being very mild. Within the first week after infection, the viruses in the oropharynx and throat were the ones that most actively replicated.

SARS-CoV-2 has the characteristic of initial throat tropism (= infection). Thus, throat gargling, an ancient therapeutic method, might be potentially useful in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic.

The possible reasons for the effectiveness of throat gargling may be that the physical washing agent used in throat gargling causes the shedding of the virus and infected cells or causes the chemical inactivation of the virus. As the cost of throat gargling with tap water or saline is inexpensive and almost free, the social and economic benefits of reducing Upper Respiratory Tract Infections might be huge.”


A Clinical Trial of Gargling Agents in Reducing Intraoral Viral Load Among COVID-19 Patients (University of Karachi research)

(quote) “Identifying an antiviral gargle that could substantially reduce the colonies of COVID-19 residing in mouth and oro-naso-pharynx is likely to reduce the viral load. Such reduction in the viral load through surface debridement could aid the effective immune response in improving the overall symptoms of the patients.”


(quote) “Looking for another simple method to reduce your risk of COVID-19 infection? Prominent pulmonologists suggest gargling might be worth a try. In a recent commentary in the American Journal of Medicine, a group of prominent pulmonologists argue that gargling with antiseptic mouthwash should be studied as a potential preventive COVID-19 measure.”

“Gargling to prevent upper respiratory infections is an idea that is more than a century old.”


Gargle with mouthwash daily to reduce COVID-19 transmission risk

(quote) “A team of German scientists has claimed that COVID-19 virus can be "inactivated" using commercially available mouthwashes.  Research has shown that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is most active in the throat during the early days of infection. Further backing this theory, a new study published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases has also revealed that high viral loads can be detected in the oral cavity and throat of some COVID-19 patients.”

“Just 30 Seconds Of Swirling Can Inactivate The Virus”

“Can Gargling Salt Water Eliminate Coronavirus?

Current data suggest that the novel coronavirus stays in the throat for a few days before making its way into the lungs. Therefore, some experts including virologists from the University of Edinburgh believe that gargling with salty water could wash the virus out of your throat, and prevent it from either taking hold or getting down into your lungs.”


BMJ: A Case for HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Mouthwash and Gargle to Limit SARS-CoV-2 Infection

(quote) “With growing numbers of asymptomatic individuals increasing the spread of the virus in communities as well as increasing concerns among dentists about its potential spread especially during aerosol generating procedures, it is extremely difficult to restrict the virus from entering the oral and nasal cavities, even with the available protective measures.

Hydrogen peroxide has been used in dental practice for nearly 100 years and has been considered safe when used in low concentrations. There is strong evidence for the safety of low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide products when used on daily basis and over an extended period/

The efficacy of hydrogen peroxide has not been in doubt, especially about its capacity to inactivate corona and influenza viruses. 1% hydrogen peroxide may serve to prevent entry of the virus into susceptible cells and reduce the possibility of severe disease. We are proposing, therefore, that use of 1% hydrogen peroxide mouthwash and gargle, at least twice a day be added to the established WHO preventive protocols for SARS-CoV-2.”


IODINE to Decrease Viral Load of COViD-19

I try to always include gargling in my daily routines, using colloidal silver, or various essential oils (e.g.. clove or tea tree), or weak solution of (food grade) Hydrogen peroxide or white iodine. Or even just salt solution, using sea salt or Himalayan pink.



Researchers think coconut oil may help treat COVID-19 patients

(quote) “As millions of patients and healthcare workers around the world fight COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, a group of scientists believe one potential treatment for the virus is already found on grocery store shelves: Virgin coconut oil”  “Together, monolaurin and lauric acid have the physicochemical property of being able to destroy the membrane of lipid-coated viruses. The antiviral activities of lauric acid and monolaurin were first noted in a 1979 study and later in 1982. Because the virus that causes COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) is a lipid-coated virus, coconut oil seems promising. The science and practical uses of lauric acid are well-known.”


Virgin coconut oil appears to help fight Covid-19

(quote) “Scientists carrying out research on the impact of virgin coconut oil (VCO) on people with Covid-19 say the oil appears to be a viable treatment for the lung disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

After six months of experiments, scientists in the Philippines found that a diet rich in VCO decreased the coronavirus count by 60% to 90% for mild to moderate case. The results are very promising, as not only does it show that VCO by itself can destroy the virus, but it also has a key mechanism in upregulating the immune response against Covid-19”


OIL PULLING the practice of swishing a type of edible oil around in your mouth to clean and whiten your teeth. According to Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient practice with its roots in India, oil pulling helps to whiten your teeth. It also contributes to overall health, Ayurvedic practitioners say.”

Multiple benefits ( ) but the particular relevance to Covid is the ability of lauric acid in Coconut Oil to dissolve the lipid coating of both bacterial and viral biofilms.”  (PS. avoid discharging into wash basin, as may block drains!)


'Works like soap': Scientist explains why virgin coconut oil could be COVID-19 cure

Dr. Fabian Dayrit  (Manila University) – “the easiest analogy would be to compare VCO to soap. Viruses are usually coated in lipids or an oil-like structure. When a person washes his hand with soap, the membrane of the virus is destroyed because soap is a surfactant that breaks up water or oil. The same can be said for VCO. The components of the coconut oil will act on the lipid membrane of the virus and destroy the membrane. The evidence for its anti-viral properties is strong. when coconut oil is ingested, enzymes in the body metabolize coconut oil releasing the active compounds, monolaurin and lauric acid.”   (  )


Coconut Oil: Can Monolaurin Fight Coronavirus?

Anti Infection Potential: (quote) Monolaurin might be active against viruses that have a fat (lipid) membrane on the outside. Since monolaurin is the same size as the fat molecule of the virus, it absorbs into the cell’s fat layer. Since it does not have good binding power, the skin envelope breaks apart. This prevents the virus from attaching and entering host cells, stopping infection and replication.

Scientists think monolaurin might disrupt virus replication by blocking DNA replication signals. In the lab, when monolaurin binds to the viral envelope, it makes the virus more susceptible to the immune system.” (source of this quote was a Brighteon link, now censored, presumably as ‘dangerous misinformation’!!


Monolaurin is a fat found in coconut oil that is also available as a dietary supplement. It exerts some interesting antiviral effects with confirmed activity to viruses similar to coronavirus. Many viruses, as well as bacteria and protozoa (parasites) are enveloped by a protective membrane composed of fatty substances (lipids). Current research indicates that monolaurin dissolves lipids in the fatty envelope, basically disintegrating the organisms’ protective shield and causing them to be easily destroyed by the immune system.”. (source)


HYDROGEN PEROXIDE ( food grade H.P. is generally available as 6% or 3% strength, needs diluting to a weaker solution, 1% or less, 0.5% would still be effective)

COVID-19: Hydrogen Peroxide provides immediate protection

for mouth washing, throat gargling, nose cleansing, and inhalation (for inhalation or nebulizing, the advice is to mix HP with a little natural salt)

The principle underlying the recommendations could be applied to reduce viral load in the oral and nasal cavities of COVID-19 patients and to inactivate the viruses they shed.


Curing Viruses with Hydrogen Peroxide – Can a simple therapy stop the pandemic?

Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

Stopping the Pandemic: Inhalation Medicine

(quote) “The only way to stop the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to prevent or deal with any such future calamities, is to apply a therapy that is highly effective, completely nontoxic, readily available, and inexpensive. Lacking any one of these four aspects of a potential therapy can cripple how well a pandemic can be promptly and readily resolved.

Inhalation Medicine is a growing branch of medicine that is providing a wide array of new approaches to disease via the inhalation of therapeutic agents into the lungs. Although the application of agents via inhalation has been around since ancient times, the current and widely available technology of inexpensive and highly efficient nebulization devices is rapidly expanding this form of medicine application.

COVID-19 infections, along with the common cold, influenza, and any other respiratory viral infection, are ideally addressed by nebulizing agents that inactivate viruses and kill cells already having a high virus content. HP is literally present everywhere in the body, both inside the cells and in the extracellular spaces. The normal physiology of the body involves the continual generation of HP throughout the body.  In every sense of the word, HP is the body's natural antibiotic."

HP Nebulization for Respiratory Infections, Including COVID-19

(quote) “As should now be apparent from the role that HP already plays in the body in protecting against infection, the nebulization of HP into the sinuses, nasal passages, throat, and lungs is just a straightforward and quite elegant way to augment the body's natural expression of HP to combat infection and inflammation. Individual sensitivities to inhaled HP can vary widely, but a 3% concentration or far lower (even as low as 0.1%) will reliably kill pathogens where they encounter the HP.

If daily prevention is not a practical option, be ready to nebulize whenever you feel you have had a significant pathogen exposure, as when somebody sneezes in your face or when you finally get off of the plane after a long flight. Don't wait for initial symptoms. Just nebulize at your first opportunity. Prevention is always easier than remediation.  HP nebulizations can also be expected to rapidly resolve a positive COVID-19 test after killing the virus in the nose and nasophyrynx.



The Truth About MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) That They Don’t Want You To Know

(quote) “Whenever a media or science talking head states that ClO2 is “essentially bleach,” either they didn’t pass high school chemistry or they’re knowingly misguiding you—trying to confuse people into thinking it’s the same as the commercial Clorox tucked away in our laundry cabinets. Clorox bleach itself is sodium hypochlorite, which of course, is not chlorine dioxide, and has far different mechanisms of action. And what’s funny is that Chlorine dioxide is a gas, so when the media says “drink bleach” they’re just further revealing their ignorance. So as you can see, there’s a total misrepresentation of what ClO2 actually is—a gaseous compound that works to disinfect pathogens very effectively through oxidation.

ClO2 kills bacteria, viruses, cancer cells—it will selectively target anaerobic pathogens and kill them through oxidation, an electrical reaction where one chemical steals the electrons of another. Some in the health community may be familiar with the oxidative capacity of food grade hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapy, chlorine dioxide oxidizes similarly. When a ClO2 molecule comes into contact with a virus or bacteria cell, it rips electrons from the cell and destroys it.


New Study Shows Success With Use Of Chlorine Dioxide On COVID-19

(quote) “A clinical trial, involving more than 100 patients suffering from COVID-19, who were given chlorine dioxide, both orally and/or intravenously, showed that patients were cured within 4 days, so says biophysicist Andreas Kalcker.The trial was overseen by a medical group of clinicians in Ecuador.”


Chlorine Dioxide in COVID-19: Hypothesis about the Possible Mechanism of Molecular Action in SARS-CoV-2 (Research Paper, Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine)

(quote) “1. Chlorine dioxide can fight viruses through the selective oxidation process by denaturing capsid proteins and subsequent oxidation of the virus's genetic material, rendering it disabled. As there is no possible adaptation to the oxidation process, it prevents the development of resistance by the virus, making chlorine dioxide (ClO2) a promising treatment for any viral subspecies.

2. There is scientific evidence that chlorine dioxide is effective against the SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, such as the work carried out at the University of Queretaro in Mexico and published in November 2020 COVID-19, called "In vivo evaluation of the antiviral effect of ClO2  (chlorine dioxide)

Conclusion: The oxidation by chlorine dioxide of critical amino acids in the spike of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and in the structure of ACE2  allows us to understand the potentially therapeutic actions of chlorine dioxide dissolved in water by oral way in the COVID-19.”


New solutions to end the COVID-19 pandemic

(quote) “The first multicenter clinical study carried out in several Latin American countries that clearly demonstrates that chlorine dioxide is a fully effective treatment against COVID-19. Chlorine dioxide was shown to be beneficial in the treatment of COVID-19, making negative RT-PCR at 7 days in one hundred percent of the patients who took it during the clinical study, rapidly mitigating their symptoms associated with this disease.”


(quote) “Chlorine dioxide is a powerful anti-microbial compound that has a long history of use - mostly known for its ability to sanitize drinking water. Chlorine dioxide has the unique ability to donate & share electrons, meaning that it is more target specific. A unique ability of the chlorine dioxide molecule is to actively break down bio film . Once dissolved in water this gas releases free oxygen - much in the same way as hydrogen peroxide will. Where the magic happens is that when oxygen & chlorine are bound in the one molecule, there are VERY few pathogens found in water that can survive coming into contact with this compound!”

COPH research team finds chlorine dioxide gas 99.91% effective against COVID-19 virus



Dr. Mercola: Artemisinin From Sweet Wormwood Inhibits SARS-CoV-2

An antimalarial treatment made from the plant Artemisia annua (Sweet Wormwood) shows promise as a COVID-19 treatment.

(this is a traditional anti-malarial antidote touted by Madagascar, also Tanzania, both of whom never locked down and did not succumb to false Covid statistics)


Artemisinin and Sweet Wormwood vs. COVID-19

Observed to be effective against similar viral pathogens, such as SARS-CoV., by targeting Viral Entry into Cells


Germany: Scientists test artemisia plant against coronavirus

A derivative of the Artemisia annua plant, also known as sweet wormwood, has long been used in the treatment of malaria. Scientists are currently testing the plant’s potential against the novel coronavirus Sars-CoV-2.


Extract of medicinal plant Artemisia annua interferes with replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro

(quote) ”Researchers in the United States have shown that extracts of an aromatic herb called Artemisia annua inhibit the replication of severe acute respiratory coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) – the agent responsible for the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The medicinal plant has been safely used to treat a range of ailments, particularly malaria, for more than 2,000 years.”

(....continued in Part 2)

Creation date: Jul 7, 2021 10:47am     Last modified date: Jul 7, 2021 10:48am   Last visit date: Mar 25, 2025 2:56am
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