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KISS THE TRUTH 'Need To Know' compilation videos

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Kiss The Truth ‘Need to Know’ is a compilation of extracts from videos published over 2020/21 purely as an aid to properly informed consent  –  Informed consent an essential principle in medical ethics and medical law that a patient MUST have sufficient information before making their decision about any medical treatment. including vaccination.     

That decision to either consent or not to consent must be voluntary, not influenced by pressure from medical staff, friends or family.   

To be truly ‘informed’ the patient must be given ALL of the information about what the treatment involves, including the benefits AND any risks. 


Need to Know’ video part 1  Featuring, amongst others:    

Dr. Roger Hodkinson MA, MB (Cambridge UK), FCAP, FRCPC. 

 Pathologist, Clinical Researcher & Medical Director of Virology & Medical Research Laboratories. He is a board certified pathologist in the USA and Canada, the CEO and Medical Director at Western Medical Assessments, former chairman of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada Examination Committee in Pathology. 

Dr. Sean Books  PhD (Education)   

published author, teacher, lecturer 

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon D.C. 

Dr. Michael Yeadon PhD 

Degree in Biochemistry and Toxicology, PhD in Respiratory Pharmacology   

32 years’ leadership in new drug discovery in Allergy & Respiratory 

former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientist 

Founder of new biotech company and Independent Consultant 

Dr. Byram Bridle PhD   

Canadian immunologist and vaccine researcher Viral Immunologist & Associate Professor at the University of Guelph Leading research in anti-viral immunity to develop vaccines to protect against infectious diseases  such as those caused by highly pathogenic coronaviruses. 

Dr. Charles Hoffe MD 

28 years as a family physician and the community’s principal emergency room physician 

Dr. Ryan Cole  MD 

Board certified Anatomic and Clinical pathologist with a subspecialty training and 20 years experience in dermatopathology and particular interest in molecular diagnostics. 

Dr. David Bauer PhD.  Virologist 

Dr. Anne McCloskey MD   

Retired as Derry GP in 2019 but returned to help the NHS deal with the covid crisis. 

For voicing her genuine concerns, she has now been suspended by the   

General Medical Council for allegedly spreading Covid-19 misinformation 


‘Need to Know’ video part 2  Featuring, amongst others:  

 Dr. Judy Microvits PhD Cellular and Molecular Biologist  BA (Chemistry) PhD (biochemistry and molecular biology)        Leading research into immunology, natural products chemistry, epigenetics, and HIV/AIDs. 

Dr. Stephanie Seneff PhD 

Senior Research Scientist, MIT 

author of MIT research paper on mRNA injections and possible consequences 

Dr. Larry Palevsky MD  

Licensed pediatrician, Holistic and integrative medicine specialist 

Past–President of the American Holistic Medical Association 

Dr. Nathan Thompson D.C  President, Exemplify Health Center advanced certifications in spinal correction, nutrition, naturopathy, and CrossFit training and methodology. 

Dr. Lee Merrit MD  American Front Line Doctors, Served as US Navy physician / surgeon 

 Past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons 

Dr. Simone Gold MD  

Emergency physician, attorney, author, founder American Front Line Doctors 

Dr. Mark Trozzi MD Canadian family doctor – ‘Honest, Ethical, Medical Doctor’ 

Professor Dr. Paul Alexander PhD  Canadian health researcher, internationally recognised expert on COVID-19. Specialist in clinical epidemiology, evidence-based medicine and research methodology 

Professor Dr. Peter McCullough MD MPH 

Internist, Cardiologist, Epidemologist, Internationally recognised cardiology expert, 

1000 publications & 600 citations in the US National Library of medicine 

Dr. Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc  

Qualified as a doctor in 1970 and has worked both in hospitals and as a GP. 

International bestselling author, as well as journalist and broadcaster. Campaigning books and articles on controversial issues (such as prescription drugs, vivisection, vaccination) 


Need To Know Video Part 3: - 'Rare' Side Effects (and unconnected coincidences)  

Despite the high volume of reported post-vaccination adverse events, the UK, EU, and US Authorities have consistently dismissed these deaths and injuries as ’coincidences’. Well, here is a 4 hour collection of personal accounts and testimonies, so you can judge for yourself... 





Creation date: Dec 27, 2021 11:10am     Last modified date: Dec 27, 2021 11:49am   Last visit date: Jun 12, 2024 7:22pm
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