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(example) Religious, Moral, and Ethical Exemption from COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements


(reproduced from  )


The right to refuse medical treatment

My individual right of bodily integrity and my right to refuse medical treatments for religious, moral, ethical, and medical reasons—whether treatments are experimental or approved by government—is protected by law.

Forced or coerced vaccination is a violation of my bodily integrity and therefore, is unethical. Forced or coerced vaccination is also a violation of my dignity as a person, because freedom of religion and freedom of conscience are fundamental to human dignity.


The right to refuse an illicitly derived treatment

As a Christian, I believe it is immoral for any institution to base, in whole or in part, an

individual’s access to employment and/or education on receiving a pharmaceutical derived from abortion. The design, production, or testing of vaccines using the remains of aborted human beings, who did not consent to be experimented on and whose body parts were trafficked to provide the means for vaccine creation, is immoral.


All of the COVID-19 vaccine products currently available in the U.S. were produced using

aborted fetal cell lines, tested using aborted fetal cell lines, or both.

As a Christian, I oppose the trafficking and commodification of human beings at all stages of life. I cannot, in good conscience, participate in or accept practices that perpetuate and encourage the relationship between abortion, biomedical science, and human trafficking, no matter when that connection was initiated or how long a practice has been accepted. Humans are made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26).

Christians have a duty to honor and care for the body God has given us as a temple of the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:1, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:20, 1 Corinthians 10:31).


Moreover, decisions regarding vaccination are personal and must be determined by the individual, not by the jurisdiction of the State or any other authority (Romans 13:1). I have a right to uphold my own bodily integrity and moral conscience and a right to refuse

medical treatment. I also have a right to refuse to participate in acts that permit the trafficking and commodification of human beings for the advancement of science.


As such, I am requesting an exemption from COVID-19 vaccine, based on my personal, sincerely held religious, moral, and ethical beliefs.




Creation date: Oct 11, 2021 12:47pm     Last modified date: Oct 11, 2021 1:03pm   Last visit date: Jun 16, 2024 7:49am
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