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In response to an invitation to get jabbed, the following questions were raised in writing with the GP.  March 2021 - Still waiting for a reply!!


1.  Is the "vaccine" safe ?. If so, why is it still under trial, the trials are ongoing to 2023, which means by any definition you choose,  it is in the experimental stage. And to gain informed consent as is required by both medical ethics and international law, the person who is to be injected MUST be told of this.
2.  The AstraZeneca product is described in the published UK Govt info for Healthcare Professionals as:      "Recombinant, replication-deficient chimpanzee adenovirus vector
encoding the SARS-CoV-2 Spike (S) glycoprotein"        Can you explain this to me please?       
My understanding is that 'Recombinant' involves a process of genetic engineering in the
laboratory - is that correct?
 So why are patients not being informed, as part of 'informed consent', that this product contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs)  In truth is this really an experimental gene therapy?
      The Healthcare Professional leaflet also states:
      "Produced in genetically modified human embryonic kidney (HEK)
293 cells."    My understanding is that these cell-lines are derived from aborted female fetal tissue - is that correct?
      Is the patient not entitled to know that fact before having the end-product injected into his or her body?  


3. The Astra Zenica info further states under Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction
      No interaction studies have been performed.
-     so how can I possibly know if I could suffer a serious interaction with, for example, various herbal supplements I take regularly?


4.   What are the possible side effects ?. The authorities say that the known side effects are mostly mild, but what about the side effects that are not mild, presumably they are potentially serious, so what are they?, and what about the unknown side effects. Again, if there are unknown  side effects, it suggests that the vaccine has NOT been rigorously tested as is claimed, and as such it is still an experimental “vaccine”  


5.   But by what definition is it called a vaccine ?, the theory of mRNA treatment indicates it to be an experimental "gene therapy" treatment akin to chemotherapy. And as such, isn`t it misleading and disingenuous to call it and label it as a vaccine ?.


6.   The NHS promises that it will protect and immunize, but the manufacturers only claim that it MAY reduce the symptoms, and other health authorities statements suggest that it neither protects nor immunizes, their comments are contradictory, they say it protects, but offers no protection,
it immunizes but does not immunize. WHAT IS THAT ALL ABOUT ?.


7.   If as as been admitted, the vaccine would not actually protect me from becoming infected by someone else, nor prevent me from infecting someone else …..      what is the point of my risking the possible known side effects, and the as yet unknown side effects?


8.   What is in the vaccine, what substances are contained within it?.
Again, in order to give informed consent, a person must be told of the
full ingredients contained in the vaccine, to be able to ascertain if
there are or are not any substances that he/she may be allergic to,  or
may have religious or ethical grounds on which to refuse the vaccine.


9.  If, after taking the vaccine, I suffer significant life-changing harm, will the vaccine manufacturers and / or the doctor who advised me to have the vaccine injected, be legally liable, and obliged to compensate me, or in the event of my death, compensate my dependents?


10.   If I did have the vaccine, will I then be able to go about my everyday life as before the pandemic, and not subject to any further restrictions?  if not, why not?,  I and everybody I come into contact with should now be protected, isn’t that right?. So why would we still forbidden to interact with each other ?.


11. Please tell me of any other Corona virus, that has been successfully treated by a vaccine, particularly by experimental mRNA treatments?.


12.  What is the risk of developing ADE (antibody dependent enhancement)?   This being when the raising of antibodies does not protect, but , instead, actually makes a subsequent viral infection worse. Wasn’t this was discovered in previous experiments, including one trial the 1960`s where an
experimental RSV vaccine injected into children made their illness far worse.?
13,.  How independent is the "independent" MHRA – when, in reality, it is 100% funded by
the Pharmaceutical industry, and whose staff is composed primarily of former Pharmaceutical employees (“revolving doors”),  (some of whom, as well as being advisers to the UK Government also still retain huge financial stakeholdings and shares in the companies in which they were once employed), and when the Pharmaceutical industry now has in its employ former members of the MHRA. Is that not a conflict of interest

Creation date: Aug 9, 2023 11:39am     Last modified date: Aug 9, 2023 12:17pm   Last visit date: Jun 12, 2024 7:22pm
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