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#Reverence4all - A Universal Declaration of Personal Beliefs

Reverence4all – a Declaration of Personal Beliefs


VIDEO '#Reverence4all - Universal Ethical Affirmations' is now playing at:


We should respect everyone's right to choose, whether or not to be 'jabbed', but surely those who have genuine ethical and moral issues should not be bullied and threatened to submit to this 'treatment'.


All the religious leaders seem to be looking the other way, so, for those who need it and can identify with the principles, #Reverence4all has launched a Declaration of Personal Beliefs.

This is non-denominational, no fuss, no charge, no ceremony, just a simple Declaration, open to all who support these core beliefs:


REVERENCE for ‘Mother Nature’


RESPECT for all life on earth.


Say NO! to Genetic Engineering.


Say NO! to harvesting & cloning fetal cells


Say NO! to animal testing


Say YES! to Health Freedom of Choice


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights grants freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

Legally a 'religion' is simply a defined collection of personal beliefs, so there is no reason why Reverence4all should not carry similar ‘protected rights’ in law.


The website, with all the details and the Declaration (downloadable) is:


Relevant (on topic) contributions to the website are welcome, as this is an entirely voluntary (not-for-profit) project, your support will be appreciated in helping to spreading the word, far and wide.


 – twitter @Reverence_4_all



"I AM OPPOSED to the censorship, ‘de-platforming’, and suppression of Natural Medicines and Traditional Treatments, and I SUPPORT completely unfettered freedom of choice for each person in all aspects of his or her personal healthcare, without any coercion, sanction, or discrimination.”


#healthfreedom #naturalhealth #naturalhealing #holistichealth #naturalmedicine #herbalmedicine #alternativemedicine


Creation date: Nov 10, 2021 2:04pm     Last modified date: Dec 27, 2021 11:03am   Last visit date: Jun 12, 2024 7:22pm
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