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Self-exemption ground: I have declined COVID-19 vaccination for religious, moral,

personal and ethical beliefs and philosophical reasons


(NOTE – this is purely a statement of my personal beliefs, each person is entitled to hold their own

beliefs, the reader is welcome to adopt some of my views, if it helps)




(1.1) Over the years, my personal and ethical beliefs have evolved and matured into a Reverence for

‘Mother Nature’, in all her manifestations. Thus I believe in equal respect for all forms of life on earth.


(1.2) My personal beliefs and ethics are now best represented by my membership of World Pantheism

( whose philosophy is built upon ‘a deep sense of peace, belonging, and gratitude

in Nature. Scientific pantheism is one of the few forms of Spirituality in which Nature plays a central part,

respecting the rights of humans, but also the rights of all living beings.’


(1.3) Genetic modification is described as ‘the transfer of DNA from one organism to another using

biotechnology. The organism receiving the DNA is said to be genetically modified (GM).’

In accordance with my Beliefs, I am totally opposed to any form of genetic modification, genetic

manipulation, or genetic engineering, and I will not knowingly accept any ‘GMO’ products.

It is my Belief that Genetic Engineering is inherently wrong and dangerous to the human race.

I object to any tinkering with the genetic codes of humans, or, indeed, of any other life form I do not feel

that mankind has any right to interfere with Nature and ‘Play God’ in this way and I find the current

course of science, in conducting vile human-animal genetic experiments utterly grotesque, repugnant

and evil.


(1.4) As a member of the Society For The Protection Of Unborn Children (

I oppose any laboratory use of aborted fetal cells or clones thereof, whether this be in the research,

development, production or testing of vaccines or other pharmaceutical, cosmetic or food / drink

products. A research paper published March 2021 identifies the following ‘vaccines’ as having used fetal

cells or laboratory clones thereof, in the process:

AstraZeneca / University of Oxford – HEK293 cells (originally derived from aborted fetal kidney cells) used in

design, development and production.

Janssen Research & Development, Inc / Johnson & Johnson -PER.C6 cells in Design & Development

derived from human embryonic retinal cells, originally from an 18 week old aborted fetus .


It is also understood that cloned fetal cell lines have been used in the post-production effectiveness

testing of the Pfizer, Moderna, and Novavax COVID vaccines


(1.5) Moderna has proclaimed on their website that their mRNA technology platform is a “software of life”

and “function: very much like an operating system on a computer.” This ‘science’ violates my personal

beliefs and ethical principles, and I reject this and all future ‘software of life’.

I concur with the following commentary:

“This system is not medicine, nor is it vaccination. This system is complete cellular

manipulation, using foreign biological molecules to code, decode, regulate, change the

expression of, and alter the physiological instructions within human beings.(


(1.6) As a member of Animal Aid, I also have deeply held ethical objections to the suffering and slaughter

animals in laboratory research.


(1.7) I am also a supporter of The National Anti-Vivisection Society, which campaigns against the use of

animals in research.


(1.8) I wholeheartedly concur with the views expressed by journalist Chas Newkey-Burden (The Ugly

Truth About Coronavirus Vaccine Testing) “I won’t be accepting the vaccine. After what has been

done to so many defenceless animals. The hunt for a coronavirus vaccine has been horrendous

for some animals, thousands of cheeky monkeys, ferrets, cats, mice and hamsters have been

deliberately infected and experimented on in labs. It is supreme human arrogance to think that

we can inflict this torture on animals in labs without it coming back to bite us’



Creation date: Oct 1, 2021 9:09pm     Last modified date: Oct 1, 2021 9:14pm   Last visit date: Jun 26, 2024 5:19pm
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