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34 - Playa Continued --Oct 26

Playa Continued..
We went on a Tobara, where you go in this river, lake, lagoon in a little boat (lancha) and look for crocodiles!!
Do you see something on the log???
Yep, a baby crocodrile!
Ricky´s first time on a lancha
These casitas were in a movie
This was one of my favorite parts of the weekend, I was thinking about missions the whole time.  I loved it!
A heard of turtles
See some eyes in the water??
Then they had a little zoo on an island
No, it´s not dead, like we thought, they lay with their mouths open to cool off, when it´s hot outside.  I found it hilarious.
Jurrassic Park anyone??  Look at all the babies
He was right by where our boat launched.
There was a spot where you could stop and swim and a ropeswing!!
We stayed close to the edge!  After seeing all the crocodriles.
¡Mejores Amigas!
They had a model night, hilarious.
Locals that we met at the beach and played futbal with, which was sooo fun.  Then hung out at night.
¡Gracias por todo!  Esperamos para ustedes en Quéretaro!
Otra vez, Buenas Días!  Some early morning reading in the Word!
I love the water, it´s always warm!!
The locals took us surfing.  It was so fun!  It was Alma and Mónica´s first time, but they both got up once!
Empenadas with cheeze and shrimp
Fútbol, Surfing - It was a great weekend!!
We left at 5am, and one of the guys surprised us and came to say goodbye.
Returning back to reality of lots of homework

Creation date: Oct 26, 2005 7:55am     Last modified date: Oct 31, 2005 6:29am   Last visit date: Aug 30, 2024 8:08am
7 / 1000 comments
Oct 26, 2005  ( 5 comments )  
Oct 27, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Monica Galvan (monica)
i don{t know if they think i´m mexian or not.  sometimes the younger boys (like jr. high age) will make fun.  other than that, not really.  i found out after the fact, that one time when guys were swimming in the same spot, a crocodile came up after them.  probably wouldn´t have swam if i had known that. 
Oct 31, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Robert Carr (robert)
Is swimming with crocodiles like swimming with dolphins?
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