KeepandShare — Calendars for Secure Team Sharing

Our company is Gee Whiz Labs, Inc. and our product is We started coding in 2003 and has been continuously live since 2004.

Keep&Share’s online calendar is used as a cloud-based service for businesses, nonprofits, and individuals to publish information easily and securely to their teams and their public audiences. Our servers are located in a secured, world-class data center with with backup power, HVAC, fire suppression and the world's largest IPv6 backbone as measured by number of networks connected. Think blazing fast.

The Keep&Share cloud servers employ the latest technologies to provide superb uptime and performance. All calendar & user data is backed up in real-time and to multiple locations. We handle all the technology so you can focus on your business.

Our mission is to make online calendar sharing easy & secure for groups and teams. We pride ourselves on a calendar that is easy and quick to use and is able to meet all kinds of team and individual calendar needs. We've also built in unique functionality so that our calendar can manaage and integrated with addresses, to do lists, files, and photos.

Our staff brings over 250 years of Silicon Valley technical & business experience to this mission. We focus 110% of our company's time and energy on making the world's best cloud-based calendar. Our passion is building great business software that delights our users and we are constantly improving Keep&Share.

Our staff makes every effort to deliver honest and fair service with a very high level of care for our users and their information. We strive to treat you just as we would want to be treated ourselves.

Gee Whiz, That's a Good Piece of Software!

Why is our company named “Gee Whiz Labs”? Simply because we are dedicated to the proposition that each and every one of our users should experience a “Gee Whiz” moment after using Keep&Share: Gee Whiz, that's a good piece of software!

Gee Whiz Labs logo

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