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Travis' Bookcase

Travis' Bookcase
Travis needed more space for his books and asked if I'd make him a bookcase.  Well, he sprang for the materials and I put one together with help from Trav and Mom. 
Scroll down for a look.
Trav decided on solid oak.  We bought the wood from Home Depot.  We picked out some suitable planks, got them home and cut them to size.
The next step was to give each plank a decorative edge, via the router table.  A rabbet was later added to the back edge to accommodate the backing board.
Then it was time to cut the biscuit slots.  Some glue and biscuits will hold it all together.
So here are the boards all cut, routed, rabbeted, slotted and sanded.
Here's the top plank with a miter cut and biscuit slots.  Easier said then done. 
And here it is all assembled and glued up.  It proves you can never, ever, have too many clamps.  The four pipe clamps on the bottom were the only ones that were long enough.  We had to double up the clamps on the top to get them to reach. 
We used about every clamp to get it together.  The 'we'  included Trav and Mom.  Getting it all in place with the glue setting up was quite a job.
Here's Trav helping to get the back on.  We needed to tweak the alignment just a bit to get the shelf squared up, hence the strap clamps.  The back was glued and nailed in place.
First standing. 
We built it with two lower 14" and four upper 10.5" openings.
Trav picked out a red mahogany stain.
I've been fixing up some bad spots over the last couple of days. The detailed sander I used in the corners left a bunch of cross-grain marks which needed to be fixed. And that led to fingerprints and other bad spots, etc.  But it's all fixed now.

Here's a detail on how a shelf and the case line up with their decorative edges.

And here it is in place.

Creation date: Jan 8, 2009 1:45pm     Last modified date: Dec 23, 2009 2:21pm   Last visit date: Aug 29, 2024 11:13pm
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